
LavinMQ now hosted at CloudAMQP!

Written by: Lovisa Johansson

Wow! Now you can get free access to LavinMQ - the high speed, open-source message broker is now hosted at CloudAMQP. This is the easiest way to get your hands on it and try it out!

What is CloudAMQP?

In 2012, 84codes launched CloudAMQP - a service that made it easier for people to get started with RabbitMQ. Over the years, the team at 84codes has improved their expertise and continued to launch more and more services; from one to five standalone services to date! Now you can find the LavinMQ as a service, at CloudAMQP!

LavinMQ beginner guide

A beginner’s guide is available at CloudAMQP for reference during setup. The guide follows a use case where image scaling is taking place. It also describes important concepts of LavinMQ and AMQP:

  • Why LavinMQ?
  • Message routing in LavinMQ - Exchanges
  • Exchange types
  • Important LavinMQ (AMQP) concepts
  • Sample code

Free plan available

CloudAMQP is providing a free LavinMQ option! Plus, if you need a more tailored solution, dedicated plans can be requested. Reach out to if you have any questions.

Happy coding!