Viewing unacknowledged messages in LavinMQ
Written by: Lovisa Johansson
Inspired by a user request, the release of LavinMQ 1.3.0, allows you to easily monitor unacknowledged messages in your queues through the management interface or the API.
This feature provides a clear overview of messages delivered to consumers but not yet acknowledged, assisting with troubleshooting.
Documentation can be found here.
Unacked messages visible in the management interface
In the LavinMQ 2.0 management UI, you can now view which messages are unacknowledged in each queues.
Unacked messages through the HTTP API
For those who prefer using HTTP requests, LavinMQ also offers an API endpoint to view unacknowledged messages. This allows you to programmatically access the same information as in the UI, enabling better integration and monitoring within your systems.
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
Use case
A LavinMQ user requested this feature:
‘As a member of the operations team, I need to view details of messages currently being processed by consumers (in the unacked state) in the LavinMQ UI. This information is crucial for tracking the progress of message processing and identifying potential bottlenecks.’
The public request can be found here: GitHub Issue #686.