Language Support
AMQP 0-9-1 Overview
More Exchange Types
More Consumer Features
Queue Deep-dive
Other Features
Reliable Message Delivery
High Availability
Management HTTP API
LavinMQ Command Line Interface
What is a command line interface?
A command line interface lets you configure a program from your terminal. This has several benefits but one big advantage is that you can control your program from script files or from other programs.
What benefits does lavinmqctl offer?
Being able to control LavinMQ from the command line can be very powerful, it allows you to do repetitive tasks like setting up exchanges and queues very simple. You can also use it to check the status of the broker.
How should I use lavinmqctl?
Lavinmqctl can be used on your own computer or a server and you can use it against a local instance of lavinmq or a hosted one running on as it supports remote instances as well.
is a command line tool for managing an LavinMQ instance, it connects to the running instance over either unix socket or over HTTP. Default is using a unix socket, which therefore requires the instance to be running on the same machine. You can tell the tool to connect to a remote instance using HTTPS and using basic auth for authentication. When using this method the credentials to use are the same as you use when connecting an AMQP client so the same permissions is also used for lavinmqctl
Example of listing queues in vhost cloudamqp
lavinmqctl -p cloudamqp list_queues
Global options
Global options are available for all commands.
Option | Description |
-p vhost, --vhost=vhost | Specify vhost |
-H host, --host=host | Specify host, if skipped it will connect using the default unix socket, which require LavinMQ to be running on the same machine. When connecting to a remote broker you should specify host a complete http uri like this: |
-q, --quiet | Suppress informational messages |
-s, --silent | Suppress informational messages and table formatting |
-v, --version | Show version |
-h, --help | Print all options and commands available, this can also be used for a command like “ lavinmqctl list_queue -h ” to show options for this command. |
-f format, --format=format | Format output (text, json) default is text |
-n node, --node=node | Does nothing, only used in CI for compatibility reasons. |
Command | Description |
status | Display server status |
add_user | Creates a new user |
change_password | Change the user password |
delete_user | Delete a user |
list_users | List user names and tags |
set_user_tags | Sets user tags |
list_vhosts | Lists virtual hosts |
add_vhost | Creates a virtual host |
delete_vhost | Deletes a virtual host |
reset_vhost | Purges all messages in all queues in the vhost and close all consumers, optionally back up the data |
list_connections | Lists AMQP 0.9.1 connections for the node |
close_connection | Instructs the broker to close a connection by pid |
close_all_connections | Instructs the broker to close all connections for the specified vhost or entire node |
list_queues | Lists queues and their properties |
create_queue | Create queue |
purge_queue | Purges a queue (removes all messages in it) |
pause_queue | Pause all consumers on a queue |
resume_queue | Resume all consumers on a queue |
delete_queue | Delete queue |
list_exchanges | Lists exchanges |
create_exchange | Create exchange |
delete_exchange | Delete exchange |
set_policy | Sets or updates a policy |
clear_policy | Clears (removes) a policy |
list_policies | Lists all policies in a virtual host |
definitions | Generate definitions json from the data directory |
export_definitions | Exports definitions in JSON |
import_definitions | Import definitions in JSON |
hash_password | Hash a password |
Ready to take the next steps? Here are some things you should keep in mind:
Managed LavinMQ instance on CloudAMQP
LavinMQ has been built with performance and ease of use in mind - we've benchmarked a throughput of about 1,000,000 messages/sec. You can try LavinMQ without any installation hassle by creating a free instance on CloudAMQP. Signing up is a breeze.
Help and feedback
We welcome your feedback and are eager to address any questions you may have about this piece or using LavinMQ. Join our Slack channel to connect with us directly. You can also find LavinMQ on GitHub.